

Featured Publications

SSCS 2021

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MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. (2023) State of Supply Chain Sustainability Report 2023. link.

Tartaglia, M. A., & Wang, Y. M. (2023). Sustainable Network Design of Perishable Foods.

Dildabekov, N., & Rai, R. (2023). Impact analysis of packaging box composition on supply chain emissions (A case study with Dell Technologies).



Lestari, N., & Xiong, J. Y. (2022). The Impact of Logistics Provider Data Maturity in Defining Scope 3 Transportation Emissions (Doctoral dissertation).

Farran, K., & McCormack, T. (2022). A Direct Route to Sustainability: A Network Optimization Model to Reduce UNICEF Zimbabwe’s Carbon Footprint (Doctoral dissertation).



Arroyo-López, P., Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., & Gámez-Pérez, K. M. (2021). Past behavior as a predictor of eco-driving practices: The case of a sustained intervention in a Mexican transportation companyInternational Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1-14.

Muñoz-Villamizar, A., Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Haro, P., Ferrer, A., & Mariño, R. (2021). The environmental impact of fast shipping ecommerce in inbound logistics operations: A case study in MexicoJournal of Cleaner Production283, 125400.

Muñoz-Villamizar, Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Mejía-Argueta, C., Gamez-Perez , K.M. (2021). The impact of shipment consolidation strategies for green home delivery: A case study in a Mexican retail company. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Production Research.



Banerjee, Saikat. (2020). E-Commerce-Based Closed-Loop Supply Chain for Plastic Recycling. link

Bateman, Alexis and Cottrill, Ken. (2020) Domestic Labor Issues Pose Hidden Supply Chain Risks. MIT Supply Chain Bloglink

Greene, Suzanne & Punte, Sophie. (2020) Closing the Logistics Emissions Disclosure Gap. Smart Freight Centre and CDP. link

Dame, Cat & Hefny, Abdelrahman. (2020) Decarbonizing Freight Transportation Using Carbon Offsets. Supply Chain Management Review. link

Mejia-Argueta, Chris. (2020) Localization is Seeding Innovation Produce Supply Chains.  MIT Supply Chain Bloglink

Cannon, C., Greene, S., Koch Blank, T., Lee, J., and Natali, P.  (2020) The Next Frontier of Carbon Accounting: A Unified Approach for Unlocking Systemic Change.” Rocky Mountain Institute. 2020. link

Greene, Suzanne and Harden, R. Dave. (2020) In troubled times, climate change is the ‘black elephant.’ The Hill. link

Lee, J., Bazilian, M., Sovacool, B., Hund, K., Jowitt, S.M., Nguyen, T.P., Månberger, A., Kah, M., Greene, S., Galeazzi, C., Awuah-Offei, K., Moats, M., Tilton, J., and S. Kukoda. (2020) Reviewing the material and metal security of low-carbon energy transitions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 124. link

Greene, Suzanne and Harden, R. Dave. (2020) Escaping the Hell’s kitchen of climate change. The Hill. link



Muñoz-Villamizar, A., Santos, J., Montoya-Torres, J. R., Velázquez-Martínez, J.C. (2019). Measuring environmental performance of urban freight transport systems: A case study. Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, 101844.

Greene, S. & Façanha, C. Carbon offsets for freight transport decarbonization. Nature Sustainability. (2019). link

Greene, S. & Lewis, A. (2019) Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework for Logistics Emissions Accounting Methodologies. Smart Freight Centre. link

Greene, S. (2019) How to Make CO2 a KPI for Freight Transportation. MIT Supply Chain Blog. link

Sheffi, Y. (2019) Corporate Hot Air No Substitute for Real Action on Climate Change. MIT Supply Chain Blog. link

Natali, P, Greene, S., & Toledano, P. How much carbon dioxide is actually in your products? MIT Supply Chain Blog. link

Velázquez-Martínez, J., Gámez-Pérez, K. & Cottrill, K. An Alternative Route to a Fuel-Efficient Last Mile. MIT Supply Chain Blog. link

Chena,W., Kucukyazicib,B., Jesus Saenz, M. On the joint dynamics of the economic and environmental performances for collective take-back systems. International Journal of Production Economics 218 (2019) 228–244. link

Alvarado, C., & Liu, Y. (2019). E-commerce and the environment: Finding the optimal location for in-store pick-up.



Sheffi, Y. & Cottrill, K. Why We Need a New Manhattan Project to Combat Climate Change. MIT Supply Chain Blog. link

Sheffi, Y. (2018) Profits v. Planet: Can Big Business and the Environment Get Along? MIT Supply Chain Blog. link

Sheffi, Y. (2018) Setting a Course for Viable Sustainability. MIT Supply Chain Blog. link

Pennekamp, F., Pontarp, M., Tabi, A., Altermatt, F., Alther, R., Choffat, Y., Fronhofer, E., Ganesanandamoorthy, P., Garnier, A., Griffiths, J., Greene, S., Horgan, K., Massie, T., Mächler, E., Palamara, GM., Seymour, M. and Petchey, O. Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability. Nature. 2018. link

Greene, S. (2018). What’s Missing? Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting in The Metals And Minerals Industry.” Matériaux & Techniques 105, 503. link

Sheffi, Y., & Blanco, E. (2018). Balancing Green. MIT Press. link.

WWF. “Transport Science-Based Target Setting Guidance.” Greene, S., Ed. WWF. 2018.

Bukhari, M., Carrasco-Gallego, R. and Ponce-Cueto, E. Developing a national programme for textiles and clothing recovery. Waste Management & Research. 2018, Vol. 36(4) 321–331. link



Leenders, B. P., Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., & Fransoo, J. C. (2017). Emissions allocation in transportation routes. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 57, 39-51.

Bozic, D. & A. Bateman (2017). Social Transparency in Global Apparel Supply Chains: Legal and Technological Influences. In Eco Friendly and Fair: Fast Fashion and Consumer Behavior. Greenleaf Publishing.

Brennan, M., Goentzel, J., Gooding, E., Green J., and Spielberg, J. (2017). Scaling Adoption of Hermetic Post-harvest Storage Technologies in Uganda. MIT Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation. link

Correll, D.H.C., Suzuki, Y. and Martens, B.J. (2017). The diversity-logistics hypothesis: how animals and manufacturers stand to reduce inbound logistics and inventory costs through diversity, Progress in Industrial Ecology – An International Journal, Vol. 11.

Greene, S. (2017). Logistics Emissions Move Into the Spotlight. UPS Longitudes.

Greene, S. (2017). Black Carbon Methodology for the Logistics Sector. UN Climate and Clean Air Coalition. link.

Leenders, B.P.J., Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Fransoo, J.C. (2017). Emissions Allocation in Transportation Routes. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.



Acimovic, J., and Goentzel, J.  (2016) Models and metrics to assess humanitarian response capacity. Journal of Operations Management, Volume 45, Pages 11 – 29, July 2016. link.

Carland, C., and Goentzel, J. (2016). Evaluating Business Criteria for Scaling Stock of Malaria Rapid Diagnostics. MIT Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation. link.

Greene, S. and Lewis, A. (2016). A Harmonized Approach for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freight Transportation. Environmental Management.

Sheffi, Y. and Blanco, E.E. (2016). Green Logistics. In Sustainable Supply Chains. Edited by Y. Bouchery, T. Tan., J. Fransoo, & C. Corbett. Springer.

Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Fransoo, J.C.,Blanco, E.E., Valenzuela-Ocaña, K. (2016). A New Statistical Method of Assigning Vehicles to Delivery Areas for CO2 Emissions Reduction. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Fransoo. J.C. (2016). Green Facility Location. In Sustainable Supply Chains. Edited by Y. Bouchery, T. Tan., J. Fransoo, & C. Corbett. Springer.



Goentzel, J., and Heigh, I. (2015) Supply Chains in Crisis. Inside Logistics, Pages 16 – 18. link.

Greene, S. and Lewis, A. (2015). Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework for Logistics Emissions Methodologies. Smart Freight Centre. link.

Kirchain, R., Olivetti, E., Miller, TR, and Greene, S. (2015). Sustainable Apparel Materials. MIT Materials Systems Laboratory. link.

Jairo R. Montoya-Torres, Edgar Gutierrez-Franco & Edgar E. Blanco (2015) Conceptual framework for measuring carbon footprint in supply chains, Production Planning & Control, 26:4, 265-279

Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Blanco, E.E., Fransoo, J. C., Mora-Vargas, J. (2015). Transportation Cost and CO2 Emissions in Location Decision Models. Beta Research School for Operations Management and Logistics/ TU/e. Working Paper series 451.

Chen, W., Kucukyazici, B., Verter, V., Jesús Sáenz, M. Supply chain design for unlocking the value of remanufacturing under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 247, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 804-819. link

Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Blanco, E.E., Fransoo, J. C., Mora-Vargas, J. (2015). Transportation cost and CO2 emissions in location decision models. Beta Research School for Operations Management and Logistics/ TU/e. Working Paper series 451.



Blanco, E.E. and Cottrill, K. (2014). Closing the loop on a circular supply chain. Supply Chain Management Review.

Blanco, E.E. and Cottrill, K.(2014). Delivering on the promise of green logistics. MIT Sloan Management Review.

Correll, D.; Suzuki, Y. and Martens, B.J., (2014). Biorenewable fuels at the intersection of product and process flexibility: A novel modeling approach and application. International Journal of Production Economics.

Correll, D.; Suzuki, Y. and Martens, B.J. (2014) .Logistical supply chain design for bioeconomy applications. Biomass & Bioenergy 66, pp. 60-69.

Juan, A., Goentzel, J. and Bektas, T. Routing Fleets with Multiple Driving Ranges: is it possible to use greener fleet configurations? Applied Soft Computing, Volume 21, pages 84–94. link.

Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Fransoo, J.C., Blanco, E.E., Mora-Vargas, J. (2014). The Impact of Carbon Footprinting Aggregation on Realizing Emission Reduction Targets. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 1-25.



Craig, A., Blanco E.E., and Sheffi,Y. (2013). Estimating the CO2 intensity of intermodal freight transportation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 22, 2013, Pages 49-53.

Efendigil, T. Modelling Product Returns in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Under Uncertainties: A Neuro Fuzzy Approach. Journal of multiple-valued logic and soft computing 23(3):407-426, 2013.



Sullivan, E., Goentzel, J., and Weintraub, R. (2012) The Global Health Supply Chain. Concept Note GHD-C01, Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston. link.

Ponce, E. & González-Manteca, J. Impact of Emerging Environmental Regulations on the Reverse Logistics System for Portable Batteries in Spain. Environmental Issues in Supply Chain Management: New Trends and Applications. 2012. link

Carrasco-Gallego, R., Ponce-Cueto, E. & Dekker, R. Closed-loop supply chains of reusable articles: a typology grounded on case studies. International Journal of Production Research, 50:19, 5582-5596. link



Greene, S., Adames, J., Alonzo, A., and Forterre, D. (2011) Business Decisions Around Carbon Offsets: Examining the Drivers of Value and Sources of Uncertainty.” MIT Leaders in Environmental Assessment and Performance. link



Craig, A. and Blanco, E.E. (2009) The Banana Carbon Footprint Case Study. MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. link.

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